There's not a lot here, yet. Maybe later. Much,
much later.
Yeah, right.
For those who don't know, I work for PythonLabs (hosted by
Zope Corporation),
where I take care of a lot of things, including the standard
documentation for
Python, and generally working on Expat.
I also spend a lot of time working on or with Zope 3.
ZConfig is a configuration library
intended for general use. It supports a hierarchical
schema-driven configuration model that allows a schema
to specify data conversion routines written in
Python. ZConfig's model is very different from the
model support by the ConfigParser module found in
Python's standard library, and is more suitable to
configuration-intensive applications.
Python & XML
has been released by O'Reilly.
Using Kerberos from Python -- release 0.1.
piddle backend for Gtk+
- Introduction
to Python, at the Northern Virginia Linux
Users Group, April 6, 2002 (PowerPoint, OpenOfffice).
- HotShot:
The New Python Profiler, at the 10th International
Python Conference, February 6, 2002.
- Weak
References in Python, at the 9th International
Python Conference, March 6, 2001.
- Python, XML, and PythonLabs, at a meeting of
the Washington
DC Area SGML/XML users group, June, 2000.